Ah, being a freshman once more! What a wonderful way to start off the year! Except this time, it's a freshman in college and not in high school. Instead of learning how to open a locker, I have to move everything into a dorm room to be my new home for the entire year. While this is entirely exciting, it was expensive, but fun.
The day before move in day, I was in a fit of tears randomly crying over leaving my family and friends and then being really excited about being a college student and getting to start over. Fortunately, I researched like crazy over the whole summer about what you need and don't need, how to decorate your dorm, if I should buy textbooks right away (Answer is: please for the love of God, do not buy your textbooks early!! You will just end up wasting your money like I did :( ), and shopped until I was completely broke.
The day of move in day, I cried as I said goodbye to my siblings and my mom (even though she was heading up in a couple of days). I had packed days in advance and I didn't forget a single thing. After my dad came home from dropping the kids off to school, he began to load all of my stuff into the car and because I was so efficient about packing, it took less than a half hour to load everything onto the van. Soon, we were on our way to one of the most beautiful places in Indiana: Saint Mary's College.
When we arrived to campus, it was already super humid and I forgot that in my freshman dorm room, there is no air conditioning (Tip #2: Bring your fan up to your room first to help cool your dorm down as you move in). I enthusiastically greeted everyone I saw and got a couple of strange looks and grabbed my keys to get to my room. First of all, climbing all of the stairs up to my room, is no easy feat. With how many flights of stairs I have to take, I'll have no trouble warding off the Freshman 15. Thankfully, my room is close to the last flight of stairs I have to climb. As I huffed and puffed from climbing forever (not from excitement), I turned the key of my room. Inside, I found..... a shoe box of a room! Two beds took up the majority of the floor space, a sink was behind the door, two built in closets were side by side, and sketchy blinds covered the window. I was immediately saddened over my new "home". I began to move things in with my dad, and we dumped everything that I have ever owned onto the floor and my roommate's bed. My dad had to leave to pick up the kids from school, so I was stuck by myself to unpack. I held back the tears as I said goodbye to my dad, and I got write to work. I made sure to leave my room open because I heard that people will just come in to talk to you in hopes of making a new friends. This was not to be. I anxiously looked over my shoulder hoping to see some friendly faces as I felt extremely alone while unpacking and trying to make my small room into a home. In only an hour, I had organized and unpacked everything and it was pretty fantastic. I moved in a day early, so I can't really blame the few people that were moved in early too for not stopping by.
So although move-in day was hectic and a little lonely, I am now enjoying my time at college and making new friends every day as a Belle. I feel very happy.