Betsy Devos Is Not My Secretary Of Education
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Betsy Devos Is Not My Secretary Of Education

Sorry Betsy, but you're just too unqualified.

Betsy Devos Is Not My Secretary Of Education
Religion News

This past week, a shocking (then again, not really) decision was made about Betsy DeVos. For those of you who weren't already aware (who isn't these days), Betsy DeVos was appointed by President Donald J. Trump to the position of Secretary of Education. The senate casts votes on whether to approve or deny the appointee the position. Every single Democratic member of the senate voted to deny DeVos's appointment as well as two Republican senators. As expected, the Republicans voted in favor of their own party, which resulted in an odd 50-50 tie. This is a singular occurrence in dealing with Cabinet Appointments. After this took place, the results were predictable as the tie-breaking vote falls on the head of the vice president. As expected, Mike Pence voted to approve Trump's choice, and Betsey Devos became the secretary of education.

Quite a lot of people aren't necessarily shocked by the way the senators voted. However, they are shocked by her confirmation after such a polarizing vote. She consistently made a fool of herself during her confirmation hearing and is seemingly unable or unwilling to comprehend the questions that she was being asked. We have provided several examples of her foolish behavior during the confirmation period below:

When asked to clarify her stance on guns in relation to schools by a Connecticut senator, she was unable to give a straight answer. When asked a simple yes-or-no question, she was only able to respond in the vaguest terms, and then finished with a proposal for the validity of guns being in schools. The proposal concerning the protection of Nebraska schoolchildren from Grizzly bears. Seriously? A few additional follow-up questions led her to essentially show her true colors, voicing her support of the idea of guns belonging in schools. I cannot imagine the audacity she must possess to tell this to a senator from the state which was victim to the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting not long ago.

At another point in the process, DeVos was asked if she would hold private schools and charter school to the same standards at which public schools are held. Another simple question which should seemingly take little effort to answer. Her only answer was that she supported accountability. Which is dreadfully vague, and did not put anyone at ease. Interestingly, there had been some discussion prior to the question being asked referring to the levels of accountability that private schools hold to themselves. It begs one to ask whether she even possesses the knowledge to form an opinion on such a topic. So, the senator proceeded to repeat his question about standard between public, private, and charter schools in an attempt to get at a straight answer. She then repeated her previous statement, "I support accountability." Finally, the senator had enough and told her she was failing to answer the question entirely. He proceeded to try reaching her one final time, yet she still repeated her previous illogical statement, "I support accountability." As if she had no grasp of the standards concerning schooling at all. She seemed incredibly confused, which makes many worry about the fate of schooling in the United States.

In preparing to witness the changes she plans to make, we cannot fail to acknowledge the fact that Betsy DeVos has no teaching experience what-so-ever. She has never stepped foot into a public school nor have her children. She's never obtained a teaching license and doesn't even have a masters degree in a field to even get her on that path. Her degree has nothing at all to do with education. Her bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Political Science most certainly does not qualify her for the job. Nothing seems to add up.

Thankfully, America is a country where we are free to voice our opinions when we believe something to be detrimental to the system. Just this past weekend, a rally of protestors prevented DeVos from entering a public school in Washington D.C.. Our voices will be heard no matter how hard those in power may try to stifle it. We are united in our pursuit of love and knowledge, and that bond lasts through any obstacles which may be thrown at us. Everyone deserves the opportunities that an education provides, and this idea like many others fosters a family in us as a people. Outside of blood, we are largely allowed to choose our families/communities, and those who truly see the value of education will not be silenced. They will persevere, and we all will fight for education.

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