Every week I come back to this very screen to write an article in hopes that I'll get a few shares, spark some conversation around an important topic, or just get a laugh from some readers.The great thing is, I can write about any topic that I want. I could write about the craziness of the election, why I like Dave Matthews Band, or even how great a grilled cheese tastes while drunk at 2 am. But this week I chose to write about the thoughts of a writer while writing an article (an article inception per se).
It all started with the idea. While talking on the phone with the girlfriend, we started discussing what I should write about this week. Topics went back and forth until it finally landed with the article inception. Normally ideas don't just come that easy. Normally I'll be sitting down for hours, trying to think of something to write about. Just when the idea comes and I start to write I usually go through a moment of, "Oh crap, this doesn't work," and I start over again. Like right now at this moment I'm thinking how can an article about writing an article be entertaining at all. Should I just start over and write something new? Nope, no time for that, have to meet a deadline.
The research for my social issues articles takes days to complete. Thankfully, this article has no research to be conducted because it's straight from my mind. As a writer, research is everything. You could say bears can jump over 30 feet high but without research and factual sources, it means nothing. The correct use of great research and quality content can lead an article on its path to success.
Oh no, I started watching a movie while writing. I'm done....2 hours later: Okay back. Time management is key to writing. Right now it's 12:11 am, I have a cold, and need to wake up early but I was horrible at time management and the movie Whiplash got in the way. Every writer experiences the difficulties of staying focused. It just happens. Sometimes you're on your game and sometimes you're not. I'll predict that this article will get around 7-10 shares this week; not because it's a bad article, but because it has no relevance. Staying relevant in a world of pop culture that would rather read how last year's moon during New Year's affects their weight loss is hard. You have to come up with something completely different and to there.
This article definitely has the "out there" factor. If there is anything that I want you to get from this, it is pure enjoyment and a portal into my thought process while writing. Writing definitely has its ups and downs but I wouldn't change it for anything. This allows me to get my thoughts out on a platform that people around the word can see. If you're ever thinking of writing, just start.
I can't think of a great way to end this article so I'll just leave you with this quote:
"To write means more than putting pretty words on a page; The act of writing is to share a part of your soul with the world."