Finally break has come to an end, and it’s time to go back to the world of independence, late night cram sessions, spending money we don’t have, and trying to convince yourself that you shouldn’t watch another episode of Gilmore Girlsbecause you have to be up at 8 a.m. For a freshman everything is a little bit different in every day life, especially whenever we’re returning from break. It’s like by the time we were finally completely adjusted to dorm life, we had to go home for a month. So our thoughts during syllabus week, while we may share many of the same thoughts with upper class men, we definitely have a few unique ones.
Before Returning…
“I’m so annoyed with everyone here.”
“Is it time to move back in yet?”
“Why do I have to ask permission to go anywhere? I don’t need my roommate’s permission to go to my friends dorm. Why do I need permission to go to a friends house?”
“I’m going to miss my bed.”
“I’m so ready to go back at this point.”
Moving back in…
“God, I missed this room.”
“Has my dorm always been so small?”
“How did I make everything neat at any point?”
“I hate un-packing.”
“Just kidding, I do want to punch you too.”
“Did everyone get more attractive over break?”
“Why are you tan? It’s the middle of January. There is snow on the ground.”
Classes begin…
“Has 8 a.m always been so early?”
“Why do 8 a.m. classes exist? Do professors not sleep?”
“Wait, we have a building under that name?”
“I have class in five minutes, and I have no idea where I’m supposed to be going.”
“This syllabus is way too specific.”
“This syllabus isn't specific enough.”
“I’m going to forget everything that was said during this lecture an hour from now, sorry.”
“You know what? I’m going to finish with a 4.0 this semester.”
“Why does everything she’s saying sound like gibberish?”
“Yeah, I’m dropping this class the minute I leave.”
“Why am I even I college? Do I really need it?”
“Yeah I’m dumb, I need it more than anyone.”
“Strangely, dining hall food sounds great right now.”
“I’m stressed out and classes just started.”
“I want break back.”
“I want to go back to bed.”
At the end of the week…
“Thank god.”
“I’m dropping out and becoming a stripper. They make good money.”
“Would my parents be mad if I just became a stripper?”
“Yeah, maybe dropping out isn’t the best idea.”
“Why are textbooks so expensive? I’m gonna end up throwing them at a wall by midterms anyways!”
“Procrastination starts right now. Where’s the best party tonight?”
“Wait, I can go to a party and not worry about being home by a certain time.”
“God, I missed this place.”
Here’s to second semester!