The first day of freshman year in college is a monumental moment in a young person's life. You are full of so much excitement and concern because college kids are always so cool right? Well, maybe. So here's a play by play of what the first day will look like at the University of Tennessee.
You jump out of bed ready for your first day of college (just like Jessica Day does every day!) The world is at the tip of your toes and you could not be excited. 8ams? They aren't even that bad! Then you walk out your dorm & well New Girl will tell you the rest....
1. Alright, I got this.
Pencils. Highlighters. Perfect outfit. Let's go take on the world!
2. Am I even in the right building?
HSS? JHB? Why is my UTK app not working!! They should post maps.
2. Oh, gosh I do not know anyone in my classes.
Hello, stranger in math! We are now friends! I'm sitting with you.
3. Everyone is wearing a t-shirt, but me.
In college, everyone goes to class looking like they are homeless.
3. Why is there an entire city of people on Ped Walkway?
SO. Many. People. Wow.
4. PCB? What?
Panama City Beach? What? That's the cafeteria? I'm SO hungry. How do I get there?
5. SO many new boys.
Was that my future husband? He's absolutely so beautiful. I have to marry him.
7. Wait, they don't take attendance? Like I don't have to come?
Act natural. Wow. This is so weird.
8. I really just want to talk to my mom
Oh, but my mom isn't here. No cookies waiting for you after your first day.
9. You decide to be productive in the library
This is what college kids do right? Wait how many floors are in this building? Oh wow, there's even a Starbucks!
10. When you successfully log in to Canvas & actually understand myUTk.
Don't forget you're activation codes & payment days!!
11. You get into your room and your roomie asks how your day is??
Change room to bed because now you are sharing a 10x7 square with someone else!
12. Time to get back in the extra small twin bed!
Overall, you'll tell yourself this: ready to do it all again tomorrow!!
The first day of college is shocking to anyone, but have no fear, you'll have UT down to a science in no time!