Thoughts Of A College Tour Guide | The Odyssey Online
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Thoughts Of A College Tour Guide

Prepare to be asked wild questions, learn more about yourself, and fall more in love with your school.

Thoughts Of A College Tour Guide
College Visit Experts

This summer, I became an ambassador for my college, in other words I was going to be a tour guide. I was thrilled that I would be able to share my experiences as a prospective and current student and to interact with interested students, sharing all of the reasons I love Simmons and how I am thriving here. After giving a handful of tours so far this summer, I have made note of a few common thoughts running through my head.

Did They Really Just Ask That?

Before the tour begins, I pray that the families on tour will be engaging and ask lots of thoughtful questions. Sure, I get the typical "Is laundry included?" or "Really, how is the food?" but there are a few questions that leave me baffled. Being that Simmons is a Women-Centered college, I often get the question from an insistent father asking, "How will my daughter meet a husband here?" After shaking my head and realizing that this question has been asked yet again, I smile and respond with something like, "Well sir, your daughter is here to earn a degree and an education, but if she is concerned about meeting a husband, do not forget that we are in the wonderful city of Boston, budding with potential babes for your daughter."

Oh Crap, What Do I Say Next?

Giving a college tour becomes an art form after a few tries. You develop your own style and rhythm, repeating the same lines in the same space, like clockwork. But sometimes a pedestrian crosses through at the wrong time and throws you off your game or someone on tour spills their coffee, and the fact that "There are printers located in every building" or that we do indeed "Have a blue-light system" (trust me, every concerned mother likes to know about the blue-light system) suddenly escapes your mind and you instantly feel lost at your own school. Usually, it's a matter of seconds before the dining hall facts and clubs/organizations list is spewing from your brain, but it can feel like years.

Stop Whispering Behind My Back, and ASK!

I never quite mastered the art of walking backward while on tour, so I follow a simple rhythm of stopping at a destination when I talk. Once I give my spiel and we begin traveling to the next stop, I often hear parents whispering to their child about something I just said, questioning what was said or making a judgement. It's a constant cycle of feeling like people are talking about you. Instead of whispering behind my back, next time, please just have me clarify what I said or make a comment, I would really love to hear from you.

Yep, I Just Used The Same Joke, Again.

Being a college tour guide is repetitive. Fortunately, every family and prospective student brings their own unique spin to any college tour. I however, use the same jokes and talking points every single time. I know when and who will laugh at which of my jokes, some jokes are Dad jokes, some are Mom jokes, and others will go directly over the parents' heads and I get a small smirk from the students. The best part is, that I have heard myself say the same jokes a million times, but they always still laugh, because they don't know that I told the same joke to the group from this morning. It's great.

How Am I Doing?

Well, I know I stumbled over my feet and slipped off the sidewalk earlier, but maybe no one noticed, and I totally did not know how to answer that student's question about East Asian Studies but overall, this felt like a solid tour. Families were taking pictures of the Boston skyline at the end, asking for their Admission Counselor's business card, and even complimenting me on a job well done and asking for my email. As a tour guide, you analyze every detail of every tour, wondering if the "tourists" liked you and if they fell in love with Simmons. The best feeling is returning to the office after a stellar tour, with engaged students, asking thoughtful and unique questions, who seem to love the Simmons vibe.

Although I get asked ridiculous questions on the daily and deal with prospective students tapping away on their phones while I'm talking, being a tour guide has helped me to grow closer to my school and has shown me all of the reasons why I chose to attend Simmons in the first place.

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