During my first weekend at Millersville University, a few thoughts were running through my head...
There is a lot of traffic, why is there so much traffic? I have an hour time slot to move in. What happens if I don’t make it? Okay we aren't moving. We aren't even half way there! okay we are moving, slowly…
I miss my cat, how am I gonna survive with out my cat? He’s so cute, I can’t wait to come home and see him. I think he thought he was going to have to go to the vet so he was hiding and i couldn't kiss him goodbye.
Why am I unloading everything onto the grass…why is no one helping! Like I'm moving everything just to move it again. Its hectic and I don't know what to do. No one is telling me what to do. I'm texting my roommate, she's on her way. This is crazy I don't even know what to do next. Someone help me, I can’t be in college anymore.
Help, my parents left me alone to go find the bathroom--. No, no, no, no. I'm just standing here with all my stuff on the grass and no one is telling me what to do! I’ll pretend to text someone so I don’t look stupid. I'm alone and there's so many people. Help.
Oh I have to wait in a line, oh to check in, that makes sense-- holy crap this is a big line. Whatever I’m here and It shouldn’t be too long. It seems to be moving pretty well. Okay I'm checking in.
It’s a key? Huh, I thought we’d use pin codes or something. A key is so easy to lose! I’ve already lost it like three times and I'm just moving everything from the grass to my dorm room! Ugh.
Yay everything is moved into my dorm. FINALLY! I’m moved into my dorm, I’m so excited! My roommate isn't here yet so my stuff is um everywhere. The room is bigger than I thought, it’s not a closet!
Where's my roommate?
What do I do now? Is there a manual for being a college student, 'cause I need it. Why didn't someone give me step by step instructions I'm like five years old.
Oh look people from my high school-- avoid, avoid, avoid.
I don’t have a pencil and I have to take a math test! I forgot about a pencil. A PENCIL. And I have to take a placement test. Ugh, I’m already bad at being a college student.
My parents left I miss them already. They left right before the test and I have to find my way back to my room. Going to have to retrace my steps. I’m gonna miss home.
I didn’t get lost yay! I remembered the way to my dorm! I’m internally doing my Happy Dance! I’ll figure out the rest of campus this weekend during orientation.
Okay our room is coming together, It's looking nice, I mean it's still messy. I think it's gonna be okay.
Jk theres a huge ass leak in our bathroom-- So a leak from I-don't-know-where made a baby ocean on our bathroom floor. So that's great! Ugh, at least the RA’s are sending maintenance to fix it and clean it. It's the first day and something goes wrong.
I'm hungry.
How are my friends doing back home?
People are talking and I'm at orientation and the speaker pronounced my high school's name wrong-- and I don’t know how to start a conversation with a stranger! I'm just gonna talk to my friend from high school.
I’m so tired and I want a shower and to just sleep. College is hard.
My first college meal is mac and cheese!
Hey you look familiar “Yeah we had math class together in high school." Awkward. He didn't remember me.
Candy!!- The RA’s just gave us candy, SCORE but, like, now what to do.
I’m in college…