It's that time of the semester again. That time when all of your professors meet up and decide that scheduling a bunch of exams all in the same week would be a good idea for you and your GPA… NOT. Midterms. The price we have to pay before boozing it up on some beach during the bliss of spring break. But at what cost? Here are some thoughts you've *probably* had run across your mind during midterm week.
1. I can DO this
Gotta start with a positive outlook right? Grab yourself a Starbucks, sit yourself down and start grinding because it's totally possible to finish all your assigned work and study for all your exams, sleep, eat, call your mom to let her know you're OK... maintain brows… you know the drill.
2. *five seconds later* I can't do this
On second thought, maybe not. Last time I checked, multitasking is definitely a thing but maybe not when you're trying to crank out a synthesis paper and study for your stats exam at the same time. Who do you think I am?
3. When was the last time I ate?
Food? What is it? All I know it that trail mix, cheez-its and coffee have become their own food group. It's called the “how am I still alive" food group.
4. Will I ever sleep again?
LOL. What a funny joke.
5. *tries to lock apartment with car keys*
6. Do I look cute? Oh no, I definitely don't
About 0.35 of the way through your first all-nighter, you start to realize that the chance of running into Chad from Sigma Apple Pie in the library would be a catastrophic event.
7. Only 10 days until spring break
Pretty much the only thought that keeps me fighting. After this week from H-E- double-hockey-sticks, you finally get to breathe, eat, sleep, etc. But then press the repeat button when finals come around. May the odds be ever in your favor.