Love is certainly complicated and this is certainly true at such complicated times. Love is kept on hold due to a variety of reasons including but not limited to narrow minded classifications that seek to divide rather than unite us. Individuals around the world are restrained from reaching their full potential due to a variety of barriers including but not limited to race, religion and other factors. While these factors substantially impact our lives, they do not lesson or increase our value as human beings.
By our very existence we are all of sacred and equal worth. We bring this worth to relationships which help us to realize our hopes and dreams at levels that we may not have ever imagined. Allowing factors such as race and religion to restrict us from finding life partners inhibit us from finding fulfillment in life. We should not draw stereotypes from such factors but instead should embrace our diversity.
Diversity is a point of strength not of weakness, it is our point of pride not shame. Even beyond issues of prejudice there a variety of obstacles to meaningful and successful relationships such as artificially low or high expectations. Realism is vital to the success of any meaningful relationship. Excessive pessimism or optimism leads to the downfall of many relationships.
Realism can be difficult, there are a variety of factors that must be objectively considered, placing emotion aside and referring to facts. Friends and family among others can help individuals to realize such facts. That takes strength on the part of these individuals but it can help prevent persons from making mistakes that they could later regret upon careful reflection.
Love is certainly difficult and can be messy and complex but in the end we must consider our common humanity and place our emotions in check and remain reasoned throughout. This is a difficult task, but it is vitally necessary.