Entering your twenties can be the most exciting and terrifying time of your life. At first, you're pumped because you're one step closer to adulthood. Then you wake up one morning, and adult life hits you in the face. Suddenly, you have bills to pay and you can never get enough sleep.
You may find yourself wondering 'Is it OK to be thinking what I'm thinking?' and 'Does sleeping away the weekend make me lame?'
If you're in your twenties right now and find yourself relating to this, odds are you've experienced one or more of these thoughts.
1. I’ve been out of high school for how many years now?
Has it really been that long? I must be getting old.
2. Is that someone I went to high school with?
That face looks familiar. Should I say hi or go about my business?
3. I know this person, but I can’t remember her name.
Memory loss must be a side effect of adulthood.
4. Do I know that person? Don’t make eye contact. Don’t make eye contact.
Yes, I know that person, and I don't want to be social today.
5. I think I’m an adult now. What’s the exact age?
I don't really feel like an adult, so I'm not sure if I am one.
6. Can I sign this, or do I still need a parent signature?
Do I get to sign this? I feel so grown up.
7. There are so many bills with my name on it.
Everyone wants my money.
8. Is it OK that I still don’t understand how to do my taxes?
I should really know how to do this by now.
9. Do I have to go the doctor by myself now?
Wait mom, you're not going with me anymore?
10. Is that spot on my arm normal? Hopefully, it’ll just go away.
I really don't want to go to the doctor. Maybe if I ignore it, it'll just disappear.
11. Am I too old to be afraid of needles?
Now I really want my mom here.
12. Why am I always so tired?
Is it a sign of old age? I'm so old.
13. I guess I need to have a bed time.
It's time to be responsible and go to bed early. What is early?
14. Maybe I should start waking up earlier.
I don't want to get up though.
15. Is it the weekend? Yes, I get to sleep.
Weekends are for sleeping and doing nothing.
16. Sleep is the most AMAZING thing EVER.
Honestly, I can't get enough of it.
17. I just want to stay home.
I really must be getting old.
18. I remember this show. It came on when I was kid.
I want to be a kid again.
19. Why don’t kids play outside anymore?
All of these kids have some kind of electronic device. Get outside!
20. Why do all of the kids shows SUCK these days?
The shows I grew up with were way better.
21. What time is it? Did the weather already come on?
I watch the weather channel too much.
22. I remember when there was no such thing as an iPhone.
Remember when we had flip phones? I remember that.
23. Back in my day, we couldn’t record TV shows.
We have it made these days.
24. If I had pitched a fit like that when I was little, I would be in so much trouble.
Did that kid really just scream like that in the store?
25. Coupons are so COOL.
Why didn't I collect these before? You save so much money.
26. I can’t wait for payday.
27. There goes my paycheck. I might cry.
I didn't even touch my paycheck. It went right to my bills.
28. I really need to suck it up.
Adults shouldn't whine like this. I need to act like an adult.
29. I’d give anything to go back to kindergarten.
Kindergarten was so carefree. I want to be carefree.
30. I really should have used nap time wisely back in the day.
I need a nap so bad. Just give me five minutes.
31. Why don’t adults get nap time?
Naps would benefit everyone.
32. I want to go on a vacation by myself. Is that bad?
I need alone time like now.
33. Why is everything that I like so expensive?
It's time to be an adult and get only what I need from the store.
34. I really shouldn’t buy this.
I'm not even going to look at it. I'm walking away.
35. I need to get my life together.
One day, I'll have it all together. I hope.