Every hunter/ huntress knows the secret to harvesting the big deer is to never wear "smelly" (in a good or bad way) clothes, make sure the wind is right, and pray hard... we also all know that there are several thoughts that have crossed all of our minds at least once...
1. *5:45 A.M.* "This sucks!!! I could be sleeping right now!"
*looks at the time* "oh wow.. why did I think was a good idea again!?!?!"
2. *hears noise* "SHHHH!!! I heard something to my left/right..." *3 minutes later* "oh, it was just the wind"
You know it happens at least once or twice per trip....
3. "D*** Armadillo and/or possum"
yeah, you know you heard the noise in your head when you watched this...
4. "Oh look!! I see a deer!!! ..... oh wait, that's just a limb"
Nope, no deer.. just the same limb blowing in the breeze.
5. *looking around* "Did I even put a bullet in the chamber when I sat down?"
Better hope you thought about this before a deer comes running through...
6. *only a trophy buck will do today* **doe blows and stomps**
"You did it to yourself.. you could have just gone on about your happy little day, but no you want to make sure the entire population of deer this side of the county know exactly where I'm located... snitches wind up with stitches, ya know!!!"
7. "Next time I am bringing the pellet gun to take care of this squirrel problem"
8. *sees little basket-racked buck* "Well, if I shoot him, I can always say that he looked a lot bigger from the stand.. Ya know, ground shrinkage is a real thing"
Actual footage of what you were seeing, at least in your mind before you got to him...
9. "I mean even if I did get 'skunked' today, it was a peaceful getaway and I had one hell of a view of the sunset tonight!"
Hunting can be such a nice get-away from the constant go go go the world seems to throw at us lately... a simple kind of life that never did any harm... at least for a little while...
10. *Coyotes start howling* "Yep, it's time for me to head on home... We'll try this again tomorrow"
You know what I am talking about... When you know they are way too close for comfort.... in the dark...
Well, happy hunting!! Hopefully, you won't have to experience the ground shrinkage or the off-sight scope anytime soon!!