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7 Thoughts You Have When You're Heading Home For The First Time Since Starting College

I miss home and you do too.

Nandini Kuntamukkula

The week before Thanksgiving is a time for heavy homesickness--just know you aren't alone. At this point in the semester, we all need a break from the craziness of midterms and drama, a week to reminisce on the days before adulting couldn't come fast enough. Here are seven thoughts everyone has before heading home for the first time in the semester.

Finally, some quality food!

comfort food

It has been 3 months since I've had my mother's cooking and I don't know if I'm gonna last another minute on dining hall food. There is only so much pizza, pasta, and salad a girl can eat. I'm hype for some soul food--I've already made a list!


bby sleep

No matter how much money you drop at the beginning of the semester to make your dorm feel like home, there is nothing like the feeling of belly-flopping onto your childhood bed after an exhausting day... or week... or semester.

How much you miss your parentals


You spent the last 18 years being their little kid. You thought college was all fun and games, but making all your own decisions and being responsible for you actions gets tiring. Adulting is hard. I'm tired of scramming to do laundry and manage homework and plans with friends. Plus midterms make me want to curl into a fetal position and cry. What better thing is there at this point in the semester than laying your head in you dad's lap and letting yourself be a kid again? At least for a little while the world will seem to make a little more sense.

Seeing your high school friends again

its been a minute

Maybe you all stayed close or maybe you all moved away, but nothing will change the fact that you all grew up together and are now living pretty separate lives. The fact that you can't just meet at the caf during passing period means that you are MONTHS behind on the tea. Get excited to catch up and to reminisce on all the times you guys spent together!

Yay driving!

dangers of driving

If you're like me, you don't have the privilege of bringing your car to college. Just when we get comfortable driving through the back roads of our hometowns with our besties, we up and leave for college. Well guess what? For a week, those of us deprived of the freedom of driving can get back at it.

Will things be the same?


It's been three months since you've been home. You've experienced new things and become more independent. Maybe you've changed a little, maybe you've changed a lot, but you are definitely not the person you were when you left home in August. Your friends won't be the same people either. Your parents may not know how to treat this new "grown-up" version of their baby. Be aware that there will be a learning curve with your relationships back home. It comes with the territory of being away. Just because you've changed doesn't mean that everything in your life has too. You may not be exactly who you were when you graduated high school but you haven't completely lost that person either. This is going to be the time when all those relationships you've been maintaining over phone calls and DMs get put to the test. Have fun getting to know the people you love most from this new perspective you've gained in the last couple months away from home!

Turkey Day!

Friends Turkey Day

When all that exploring makes you tired, make sure you make time to show your gratitude for all the blessings in your life. The people who love and care for you, the privileges you enjoy, and the opportunity to celebrate them rarely come together as perfectly as they do on Thanksgiving, Take full advantage of the day and show those around you how much you value them in your lives. Try and do some service this holiday season as well--not everyone is as lucky as you and I.

This Thanksgiving season, remember to appreciate all of the things and people you have the privilege of having in your life. Take this break from school to recenter yourself and remember why and for whom you are working so hard for. As I mentioned before, put these thoughts and feelings into actions by giving back to your community or doing something thoughtful for your family. Check out this list of ideas for holiday service projects if you need some inspo.

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