11 Thoughts You Have During The Holidays As Told By 'The Office' | The Odyssey Online
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11 Thoughts You Have During The Holidays As Told By 'The Office'

11 Thoughts You Have During The Holidays As Told By 'The Office'

The holidays can be a hectic time for everyone. From last minute shopping to squeezing in time with all the family, these are the 11 thoughts you have during the holidays as told by "The Office."

1. Remembering that Jesus is the reason for the season...

As you fight to the death for the last Barbie at Toys R Us.

Hey, Jesus flipped tables, too. Right? Right.

2. When you're trying to figure out how much you're going to spend on presents:

Is it the thought that counts? Or should they be counting the numbers on the price tags? I thought homemade counted as double...

3. When everyone is in the Christmas spirit and your siblings are being nice to you because Santa:

He sees you when you're sleeping. He knows when you hit me first and tell mom that I started it.

4. When it gets closer to Christmas and you remember how unprepared you are:

I still have 10 million presents to buy and I haven't mentally prepared myself for the onslaught of questions distant family members are going to throw at me and it's almost Christmas SOS.

5. Your family starts with all the questions.

Family: Do you have a boyfriend? Why are you single? What are you doing with your life? You really want to be a teacher? Do you plan on marrying rich? How's college? Have you gained weight?

Me: *internally screams for three years*

6. When you're tired of jamming to traditional Christmas music:

I can only handle Jingle Bell Rock (or any rendition of it... slow jazz? Seriously?) so many times before I lose it. Sometimes you just need to rock out to something original.

7. When your cute baby cousins start getting all the attention:

Excuse me, but as the first-born child of the family, please don't forget that this family revolves around me. I might be an adult now but y'all still put me at the kids table so I will be treated like the adorable princess I am. That is all.

8. When you get yourself for Secret Santa but this is your ninth game and screw the rules:

No one has to know. That's why it's called Secret Santa. Plus, this is the perfect excuse to buy that foot bath for myself.

9. When you're cashing in on the desperateness of last minute shoppers:

Evil? Maybe. But you have to admit it's a great way to make some fast cash.

(You might not act on this, but be real. You know you've thought about all the money you could make if you bought out all of the local stores of their Elsa dolls.)

10. When you get *insert undesirable item here* for the sixth Christmas in a row.

I am grateful, so very grateful. But there's only so many sets of Polly Pockets I need as an adult, you know?

11. But when it gets down to it, you have to admit you're more than excited for Christmas:


Happy holidays, y'all.

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2. You will feel like an adult but also feeling like a child.

3. You will have classes that are just the professor reading from their lecture slides for an hour.

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5. Coffee is your best friend.

6. You don't know what you're doing 99% of the time.

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