I'm graduating early (in December, which is a whole 6 months before everyone else), so this semester is my last semester of college (like ever). Let me tell you: when you are less than two months away from being done with college, the senioritis gets real. So. Real. I thought I was over school before, but I have reached a new level of over it. Here are just a few of the millions of thoughts that run through my head on a daily basis during my last two months of college:
1. How many days of classes are left?
2. I can do this. I've done this for 4 years. I can do two more months.
3. I can't do this. These are the longest two months of my life.
4. Do I really need to study for this test?
5. Do I really need to take this class to graduate?
6. I am never going to use anything I learn in this class in my career.
7. What grade do I need on this paper to pass this class?
8. Why did I agree to also work part-time and go to school full time?
9. Is it okay to skip the same class three times in two weeks?
10. This is such a waste of my time.
11. Could everyone stop asking me what I'm doing with my life when I graduate.
12. Wow. I have no idea what I'm doing with my life when I graduate.
13. No. I don't have a job set up after I graduate.
14. If I leave my headphones in, will that keep people from talking to me?
15. The answer to #14 is no.
16. Read chapters 6, 7, and 8 for homework? Sweet. No homework.
17. How much sleep do I need to function tomorrow?
18. I can just do this assignment in the morning before class.
19. I can totally get all 6 of these assignments due tomorrow done in one hour.
20. Why do professors keeping giving me homework? Don't you know I'm done in less than two months?
21. Still no job.
22. Do you think I can get paid to eat food and watch Netflix when I graduate?
23. How many days until school is over?
24. Can I go back to kindergarten?
25. I'm so broke.
26. I wanna cry.
27. I have so much work to do.
29. Is it over yet?
30. Only 20 days left.