The gym is a great place to go work out while being surrounded by others with the same goal: to get fit. But sometimes, there’s so much going on in the gym that it may feel a little overwhelming, leading us to a bunch of random thoughts. It’s hard to even articulate these thoughts sometimes, but thankfully, our friends in Bikini Bottom helped us out.
When everyone else is super happy to be there, and you feel like death:
Geez, it’s 7 a.m., why are you so happy to be sweating?!
Squats time:
Do it for the booty.
When you weigh in for the week:
Why can’t naps burn fat?
After a run:
Just… gimme a sec… to catch… my breath...and dignity.
But then your jam comes on:
All right, this is my jam! I feel so alive—let me go lift that big weight, I got this.
You make eye contact with the hottie across the gym:
Wow, my heart is racing, and I didn’t even do cardio yet.
Finally, that post-workout meal:
It’s all you’ve been thinking about this whole time, anyway, and now it’s time to eat probably double the calories you just struggled to burn off in the first place.
We love to hate the gym for all the pain it puts us in, but honestly, without the gym, we would never understand any of these feelings that come along with it. Plus, we hate to love it for making us look so damn good. Thanks, gym! See you bright and early tomorrow! (*I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready...I think*)