It's that time of year. Spring break is over. Student are making their schedules for next semester and picking out their housing for next year. Everyone is pretending that finals aren't around the corner. Students are looking forward to summer break. However, there is one group that isn't experiencing much of this. These are the graduating seniors, and their emotions range from fear to confusion to dread and possibly even to excitement. Whatever thought that may go through their heads, there's a gif from "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" for that!
When you just aren't ready to be an adult yet.
Yes, hello. I would like to stay in the bubble that is college forever, please. Thank you.
When you realize you have to start paying off your loans soon.
"What'd you say?"
And you have no money to do so.
Oh, I wish.
So you have to get a job.
When the job hunt isn't going well so you have to come up with an idea that'll make millions.
When finals are right after Easter.
Thanks, Frank.
When you realize you have to see your adviser about something that might prevent you from graduating.
But so is everyone else and Carol doesn't exist.
But the end-of-the-year formals and banquets are coming up.
Me at Senior Bash.
When you realize you can't live in your on-campus apartment anymore.
I don't think I'll ever live this close to all of my friends or to where I need to be on daily basis ever again. And I won't live with the same roommates anymore. And I won't ever be able to afford a view of both the city of Los Angeles AND the ocean. I'm not ready to leave this apartment.
When graduation keeps getting closer and closer...
...and closer and closer and closer and closer.
And you have one last celebration with your friends.
"Might you say we're getting 'hammered'?"
When your parents are coming to see you graduate and you hope you don't have to cook for them.
This is what it's going to look like.
But when they arrive it's an instant celebration!
Party time!
Spotting your friends during the graduation ceremony.
I'll miss ya, buddy.
When you finally walk across the stage at graduation.
After all, this is the whole reason you went to college in the first place. Congratulations to the class of 2017!