Being a nervous person can lead to many different unwanted awkward situations. Being at the doctor's office can be one of those awkward situations.
When's my birthday?
Okay, okay. All I have to do is walk up to the receptionist and state my birthday. "Hello, birthday?" Wot. Uhhhhhhhhh, what is a birthday?
Is this the right weight?
Looking at the scale and wonder "Is that right?" or "Is that an okay weight?"
Getting a feel of what your nurse/doctor is like
Soooooo... Are you a cool doctor or one who is really strict to the book? I really need to know whether or not I can relax or question everything I have ever done to my body.
Objects within the doctors office
I never felt the need to mess with unknown objects until sat in the doctor's office alone. Yet, I have always been told as a child that I cannot touch anything. Which makes it more irresistible.
Okay, okay. Calm down there Mr. Vocab. I need you to relax with them big words and dumb it down to a first-grade level. Now, what does this stethoscope do?
Getting undressed
Getting undress. In an unknown area. I believe that is pretty self explanatory.
Questions. Questions. Questions.
I wasn't ready for all the trick questions. Don't be asking me questions about what my diet is because I have no clue. I eat broccoli...once.
The constant thinking of everything that is wrong with your body
So, I have been having this strange pain in my side. It always seems to happen when I exercise...Oh, it's because I'm out of shape. Well then.
Should I or should I not joke?
If I joke, I expect you to laugh or this whole entire appointment will ruin me for the rest of the day. My trip back home will be me shaming myself for trying to make a joke about dinosaurs.
When they leave you alone in the room.
Should I be on my phone? What if they walk in with me being on my phone? I feel that it is rude for me to on my phone when you walk it. Or would it be creepy that I am sitting here patiently waiting for you?