Alright, I am sitting ar a Starbucks, thinking of a way to start this week's article.
It is due at midnight so I have a solid 12 hours to write something at least slightly enjoyable.
My screenwriting professor this week made the whole class swear that we will be okay with writing crap. I mean, to be honest, we probably all will, so that’s good.
Cause writing is hard, especially on a deadline. It takes authors like, five years before their book is finished and done and I have to write an article in 12 hours, let alone write an hour TV show in 10 weeks for my class?
No way that is happening.
Okay… well maybe if I draw off of the things I see in front of me, you know, try to dig in deeper...
A squirrel eats an acorn off the beautiful pine tree, while next to him there is a trash can, what a beautiful sight.
That sounds really stupid.
I think I’ll check facebook, and then Instagram, and then Tumblr, and then Twitter, just real quick.
Shoot, it’s been 20 minutes.
Okay, I am going to think of a fun experience in my lifetime that would make for a good story.
Wow, my life is incredibly boring.
I could just talk about what I had for dinner last night! That could be fun.
Mashed potatoes and microwaved chicken nuggets…
That is the most boring meal I have heard of in my entire human existence, but here goes nothing…
I put the chicken in the microwave, heating it at 50% power, when suddenly, one chicken comes to life.
This is so terrible.
Everyone writes about their marriage proposals or that time they helped a homeless person, or their experience when they traveled to Africa and I don’t have any of those things.
Well, I guess I could talk about that time I went to Disneyland…
I was five years old when I went to Disneyland. I don’t remember anything. I probably cried a few times.
Ugh, I only have like 10 hours left.
I am going to puke.
Want to know what sounds really good? A nice cup of black coffee and a chocolate chip cookie.
I should invent a baby zapper. One that zaps the baby right out of the uterus instead of giving a painful birth.
That could be a problem, though, what if someone buys one and then zaps it out while walking past the woman and steals it.
Anyway, back to writing. It’s so hard staying on task.
Oh, I forgot I had a doctors appointment today. DANG! Now I have to pay a fee.
I’ll go online and pay it now.
Maybe I will talk about being late since that’s never good.
What kind of message do I want to give? What if nobody agrees with my thoughts? Will I have haters? Will somebody make a twitter page all about how much they hate me? Or will I have a fan page? That would be so cool.
Oh yeah, the presidential debate was recently on, so I should probably talk about politics.
...except I know nothing about politics.
Okay, whatever. I have other things to do, and even these notes are terrible.
If you need me, I will be watching Breaking Bad.