I'm sure you have heard of what is going on in the world, specifically, in United States. Especially with the election and all. Let's face it, the entire world knows that our new president-elect is Donald Trump. Many people just cringe, and cover their ears by hearing his name alone. I'm not here to vouch for him or anything of that sort. Heck, he wasn't even my choice for president but, the fact remains that he is our president-elect now.
You may ask what now? Well, we may not be able to change the president but what we CAN do is make little changes for the good might I add, in our own communities. Now is the time more than ever before that we should all put our differences aside and come together as one nation and show the world that we are better than they might think of us right now. Let's be honest after this election we seem like a joke to the entire world, and we need to change that. Honestly, the only thing that seems possible right now is like I mentioned before, for all of us to come together and become one nation. I've read this quote so many times and I feel like this is the time it suits the best. "Be the change you want to see in the world". This is one of my favorite quotes of all time. We need to start by making changes within our communities, start off by volunteering, maybe at a soup kitchen, or at a children's school. We should teach our children to be better human beings because these children are our future. We should teach them that everyone is created equal, shouldn't be afraid of one another and most important of all to love one another. Life is too short to hold grudges and be racist towards one another. Even though we might look different from the outside we all are the same from the inside, meaning we all want to be accepted, feel loved and have a sense of belonging. If we all men are supposed to be created equal then why all the hate? Why all this negativity? No matter what our differences are we should put them aside for the unity of this nation and most importantly for the oneness of mankind.
I know I went on the rant a little bit but all I'm trying to say is "be the change you want to see in the world". It doesn't matter who our president is if we aren't willing to make a difference where we can, we won't be able to change this nation.