Finals week (n): the week dreaded by every single college student across the United States. There are no good things to say about his week except the fact that there is a break following it. Finals week is almost like a ticking time bomb. You work so hard throughout the semester and then finals week comes along and blows up in your face. Here are some common thoughts you've probably experienced:
1. "Damn, I should've paid attention."

2. "Do I really need to study?"

3. "What's my grade if I fail this?"

4. "Did we even talk about this in class?!"
5. "I'll just take a 10-minute break."

7. "What is sleep?"
8. "Is it too late to drop this class?"
9. "C's get degrees my friends."
10. "I'm Pre-Med, so watching Greys counts as studying, right?"
11. "I'll just watch one episode on Netflix."

12. "Okay, my final is at 8 a.m. I better set an alarm for 7:05, 7:10, 7:15, 7:20..."
13. "I only need a 95% to get an A haha!"

14. "I'm dropping out."

15. "Stripper... I should've become a stripper."
16. "It's okay. I'll do better next semester."
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