Some of the thoughts I have while at the neighborhood gym I assumed were only thought by me. Now, I am beginning to think most people are also thinking similar things.
1. “Oh no, it's packed.”
The moment you pull into the parking lot, you will know whether or not you are going to have to wait for that stair master.
2. “Can the person next to me smell my fart?”
I don’t know about anyone else, but sometimes when I workout I can’t help but let one loose. It's always horrifying to think if the person closest to you on the treadmill can smell it, and if they realize it came from you.
3. “Why is that girl, who is wearing a sports bra and spandex and has an amazing body, at the gym right now and why do I not look like her?”
There are so many answers to this question. I try to use this person as motivation to keep me coming to the gym and working hard.
4. “I can definitely run for 20 minutes straight.”
*Two minutes later*
5. “Why did I think I could run for 20 minutes straight?”
Unless you are a trained runner, a 20-minute run for the rest of us is not easy or enjoyable and will probably only last for 10 minutes or fewer.
6. “Can the person next to me hear me physically panting?”
The answer is hopefully no, but probably yes. Don’t fret! It shows you are working hard or you’re out of shape. To make us all feel better, let's say it's from working hard.
7. “YAS! You go girl, I see you over there working hard!”
It's always awesome to see people at the gym who you know are working toward bettering themselves, or that you’ve seen a positive change in. It truly is inspiring.
8. “After this workout, I’m probably going to reward myself with a whole pizza.”
Even though we all know this is wrong, we all do it. And it feels so good.
There are so many thoughts that go through my head while I’m working out, and I know I can’t even remember half of them. If you find yourself asking if anyone else think this, the answer is yes. There are probably thousands of people who are out there thinking the same things you are while at the gym.