It's a familiar feeling: you're supposed to be studying for your exam tomorrow, but there are a million thoughts going through your brain, most of which have absolutely nothing to do with the material you're being tested on. While I couldn't possibly write down each of these million, I figured I would list the top 13 that cross my mind the second I crack open my textbook. I'm sure you can all relate.
- How am I having a midterm five weeks into the semester? Isn’t the semester 15 weeks? I’m no genius, but I’m pretty sure half of 15 is not 5.
- So when are we playing review jeopardy? What do you mean there’s no review jeopardy!?
- This can't actually count for 50% of my grade. Are you sure it wasn’t 25? Maybe 15?
- I’ll just take a 5- minute break to scroll through Instagram.
- How did I wind up on Facebook watching a video on how to make spinach and artichoke mac and cheese?
- Didn’t the professor say that she would drop my lowest exam grade?
- I wonder if they’ll put 3 turbo shots in my iced coffee.
- Why have I read this page 4 times and processed none of it?
- How is it already 3 A.M.?
- Maybe I’ll clean my room before I start studying. It’s not procrastinating if you’re being productive, right?
- I really should’ve stayed in Saturday night.
- Do you think 4 alarms will be enough for my 8 A.M. exam? Maybe I should set 2 more, just to be safe.
- I can’t believe I’m missing "Grey’s" for this.