1. Will I make new friends?
This is probably the #1 thought all freshman have! It's scary leaving home, friends, and not knowing anyone for the most part. Jumping into the unknown is a challenge, I get it. But don't worry, everyone else is in the same boat. It may not be obvious within the first week as to whom your close friends will be. Just be yourself and people will find you! Rome wasn't built in a day, you know.
2. What is my roommate going to be like?
We've all been there. Whether it was going random, or hand-selecting them through a social media platform. Everyone is praying that their roommate is not a psychopath. A majority of the time, these roommates can become a best friend for a lifetime or introduce you to your future love!
3. Did I bring too much/little?
You're probably asking yourself this question a lot. Unfortunately, there isn't a right or wrong answer. It all depends on you and your college. For instance, if you were going to college in Upstate New York and your friend is going to school in Southern California. The chances of your friend needing a heavy winter coat is slim unless they enjoy having heavy winter jackets in their closet. Everyone at college is really friendly, so if you are missing something, someone on your floor will most likely let you have/borrow it. Worst comes to worst, you can always ask your parents to send it to you in the mail. And there is always a magical thing called Amazon!
4. Will I be able to find my classes?
Unless your school is Hogwarts, you will find your classes in no time! Every freshman is going to have a little bit of trouble the first week. You may accidentally go to the wrong room thinking that it's room 209 when it's actually room 203 the first week. But after that, you will be a pro! Right now you are probably thinking that campus is massive and that you will easily get lost. I want you to remember this feeling. At the end of the year, think back on this and have a good laugh. You'll most likely be able to walk to class in your sleep!
5. Will I get homesick?
Maybe it's the thought of your mom's home cooking, seeing your friends from high school, or just wanting to sleep in your own bed. Trust me, everyone will get homesick at some point during their time at college. The best thing you can do is take a little bit of home with you to college. Hang up some posters that remind you of home. Just remember, mom and dad, are always just a phone call away.
6. Where do I find my textbooks?
Okay, so there isn't really an answer to this. It honestly depends on your professor. Most of the time, professors will put the books on the syllabus and tell you which ones you really need. The easiest thing to do is wait until the first day of classes to find out your textbooks. This way you will know exactly which books you need and get the right copy. The last thing you need is to purchase another textbook because you ended up with the wrong edition.
7. Did I pick the right major?
One of the amazing things about college is that you can always change majors! There's no right or wrong major either! It may be a little different depending on which school you attend, but for the most part, it's a simple form that says you want to change. And Voila! You have a different major. However, I hate to break the news to you. I don't think many jobs right now are looking for someone with a masters in dinosaur meditation studies.
8. How long are the dining halls open?
Knowing how long the dining halls is key for surviving the first year of college. Whether it's to grab a quick bite with friends or for a "midnight" snack. The dining hall is more or less open for the entire day. Fun fact: one of the most magical times is when the dining hall is switching from breakfast to lunch. Who could say no to chicken and waffles for brunch?
9. Will I find anything I like to eat at the dining hall?
Better question, is there anything that I don't like to eat at the dining hall? In this day and age you have probably heard the term "freshman 15". Let me tell you, this is absolutely true! The dining halls are almost always full of fried goodies like hamburgers and french fries. They may even have a sweet indulgence like ice cream to temp you. However, maybe you don't really care about all that junk food. Well, the dining hall has you covered there as well. It is most likely that the kitchen staff will gladly help you find options to fit your dietary needs. Whether that is being gluten-free, vegetarian, or just wanting a healthy meal.
10. You know, I think I will like college.
Once all the chaos of carrying boxes and shedding a couple of tears after saying goodbye to mom and dad. There's a feeling of relief and excitement knowing that a whole new chapter is about to begin in your life. During the next few years will be some of the best in your life. You know that you will make so many new friends from across the country and the world. These friendships will last you a lifetime. All you need to do now is to tell yourself, "I think I will like college."