There are so many different types of colleges and universities. Some are more liberal, while others are more conservative. Some schools are private, and others are public or run by the state. Some students may prefer to go to a two-year community college, while others may prefer a four-year school. Even with all of these differences, one thing remains the same… and that is that nearly all of these students experience the same thoughts and feelings. Many of us share the same experiences that may cause us to ask questions or groan with irritation.
For anyone who was in college or who currently is attending, many of you may experience de ja vu.
- “When was the last time I washed this shirt? Would anyone notice if I wore this shirt two days in a row? I really need to do laundry.”
- “Wait, when is this assignment due? Where is my syllabus? I can’t find anything in this mess of a backpack. I really need to get my life together!”
- “I am starving. I should probably just grab a piece of fruit or a salad. I’m definitely getting pudgy, but pizza and Chinese food sounds really good right now. And they deliver!”
- “How do I maintain my GPA, keep a job, do my homework, have a social life, get eight hours or sleep, and take care of myself? This is way too much!”
- “What did the professor say? I don’t understand. No one else is raising their hands or asking any questions. Do I go on not knowing what is happening or do I risk sounding like an idiot in front of my peers?”
- “I wish I could go back to my freshman year when all of my courses were easy and my grade point average could be saved.”
- Sees something you want at the store: “I really want this, but I can not afford it.”
- “My resume looks like garbage. What format should this be written in? I have like no work experience. No one is going to want to hire me.”
- “Did I pick the right major? Am I going to be able to get a job with this? Can I really see myself doing this for the rest of my life. I am pretty sure my professor thinks I am an idiot.”
- “I need more caffeine. I haven’t slept in three days, but I have five papers, three exams, two extra credit lectures, and an advisor meeting tomorrow! Help!”
- “I think I am going to die!”
- “My room looked so good when I moved in. Now, I can not see my floor. I should really clean my room, but I do not really feel like it.”
- “I have an exam tomorrow, and I should really study, but I would rather binge-watch Netflix instead.”
- “I am just going to take a twenty minute power nap.” *Wakes up six hours later*