Ah, sorority recruitment. It's finally come around again. I'm sure everyone is over-joyed to hear us chanting at hours like 7 a.m. and midnight (trust us, we're over-joyed, too). But, what's really going on in the minds of every active member as work week ends, and recruitment approaches? Well, it's a little something like this:
1. "I'm so excited!!"
First of all, we are all so excited, we can't even explain it. There's something about the anticipation, especially leading up to Day 1 of formal recruitment. We can't wait.
2. "I literally cannot spend one more second chanting or my voice is never coming back."
Sorority girls sound like horror movie antagonists until recruitment is over. It happens. There's no getting around it. Work that croak, girl. Throaty voices are supposed to be sexy, right?
3. "So... When's lunch?"
Work week makes a girl hungry. Really hungry. Probably a little hangry, too. (Shout out to all of the amazing house mom's and cooks who keep us fueled!)
4. *Pretends paper plate is a PNM
"No, I'm not crazy, this is Catherine."
"So, Catherine, we're going to go up these stairs right here..." *silence*
5. "I've never been more tired than I am in this moment."
"One more time full-out" really means practice until you're so exhausted that you fall asleep in heels and a skirt, curled up on the couch.
6. "I hope I meet my future Little..."
I'm so obsessed with her, and I haven't even met here yet. I'll find you. You will be mine.
7. "When's supper?"
Like really, really hungry.
8. "I love you guys, but you all need to not."
The sheer level of estrogen can be a little too much at times, but at the end of the day we love our sisters more than anything.
9. *screaming internally*
It can be overwhelming to prepare for recruitment, especially for girls who have never been on the recruiting side. We all can get a little short and snippy even though we don't mean it.
10. "I can't wait to welcome my new sisters home!"
Ultimately, we are all so happy to see the women coming through formal recruitment. No matter what chapter you're in, you want recruitment to be successful for all of your panhellenic sisters. That's why sorority life is so great. It's about the bigger picture, folks.
So, ladies, good luck! And to all PNM's ... see, we're not so different than you after all.