Every week Odyssey Creators are responsible for producing original content to be published on the platform. Some weeks, ideas for new content are bountiful and the options for articles to pursue seem boundless. Other weeks, it seems like everything that is important to write about has already been covered.
The experience of writer's block is one that is common to all college students at some point in their careers and the more originality an assignment demands the harder it can be to conjure any kind of worthwhile prose.This week I faced this dilemma and decided to record the useless thoughts that littered my mind in the space where good ideas have sometimes been known to reside.
1. Well, another week means another Odyssey article.
Did anything cool happen that I can write about? Do I have any opinions that urgently need to be expressed?
2. And another Odyssey article means another missed deadline.
I basically never know what day it is because I am constantly overwhelmed.
3. And another missed deadline means another passive aggressive post from my EIC.
I see the shade. I earned the shade. I embrace the shade.
4. Is anyone even going to read this?
Hopefully I get enough engagement so I don't get that godforsaken "Your Article Doesn't Have 20 Shares Yet" email from HQ.
5. Does anyone actually care about my opinion on such random stuff?
Probably not, but I'll put it out there anyway.
6. I wonder what everyone is up to on social media...
I'll just quickly check Facebook...and Twitter...and YouTube...and GroupMe...and Instagram...and Tumblr...and Venmo...
7. Maybe I should do some of my readings for class tomorrow.
Nah. Let me throw some more words into the void instead.
8. Should I turn this into a listicle?
Not like listicles are actually any easier than normal articles. Now I have to appropriately source a ton of images and make sure I'm abiding by the formatting guidelines.
9. I need more coffee.
I mean, this thought isn't necessarily exclusive to the article writing experience. I do really need to fuel this writing process with some caffeine ASAP if I'm going to submit this any time soon.
10. Should I put more gifs in this?
11. I'm almost done! I think I deserve a snack.
I definitely won't forget to submit this in the meantime, making my article even later than I had originally intended.
12. Does this have 500 words yet?
Awesome. Let's submit this nonsense already.