Temperatures are in the 90s and 100s as a brutal and ruthless heatwave rages across the Northeast. Anyone caught in the middle of this knows firsthand just how hot it's getting outside (and hoping it doesn't get worse.) We begged for summer but now that it's here, we can't wait for winter. Until the temperature drops enough to create the comfortable and enjoyable summer we know and love, these thoughts are bound to come to mind:
2. Why doesn't this fan have an extra fast setting!?
The fast speed is not enough
4. I need another ice pop!
5. It's too hot for a warm shower but it's too cold if you turn it down
6. Where can I go to have fun but also stay cool?
7. Which one of my friends has a pool?
8. It's too hot for a beach day

9. If I go outside for more than a minute, I'll burn and turn as red as a lobster
10. Where the heck is my sunscreen?
11. I can't leave the house without a water bottle or I'll DIE
12. Will my parents get mad if I turn up the AC a little more?
13. Maybe if I go to the store, it'll be cooler there
14. But my car is gonna be 100 degrees hotter than it is outside
15. Can you really cook an egg on the sidewalk?
16. *Gets in car* AIR!!! *Blasts AC*

17. You can literally just see the heat
18. Is it just humid or are we getting another thunder storm?

19. Are those people wearing pants? What is wrong with them?
20. Who the hell drinks hot coffee right now? I'm sticking to my iced!

21. Did I put deodorant on?
24. Oh god... I'm CHAFING
25. Screw my summer body! I need some ice cream
26. You know, winter wasn't that bad
27. And they want me to go to WORK in THIS? Na ah.
28. Geez, I can't wait until fall
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