The many emotions midterms bring on can be overwhelming. It's like you've finally gotten back into the routine of doing school work, balancing it and your social life. Everything is going good, most of us are happy with where we are then BOOM midterms come out of nowhere and suck the joy right out of you. What better way to describe the thoughts and feelings we experience during this time than GIFs. Enjoy and good luck!
1. When the teacher reminds you that your midterm is next week.
Everything is going well in class. You have done your homework, your grades are decent. Then the teacher hits you with this bombshell. Suddenly the class turns into panic.
2. Realizing you must begin studying.
Making yourself study can sometimes be harder than the studying itself. You don't just sit down and get to it, studying takes some mental preparation. Sometimes preparations involve scrolling through your Facebook news feed to find your aunt Martha congratulating someone on getting married then you end up on the groom's third cousins brothers page. Just trying to figure out if he's single and going for a degree that could one day support you and a family so you can drop out if necessary.
3. Then realizing you forgot how to study.
Finally putting down your phone and opening your books you start to realize you have no idea how you are going to retain this information. You really don't even know where to begin reading or how to even read. It seems that you have lost the ability to do anything and everything.
4. Staying up until the wee hours of the night just to realize your brain stopped retaining information three hours ago.
So it's said the average human has an attention span of about 25 minutes. I would easily agree with this statement seeing as after 5 minutes I can't even pay attention to what I'm doing. I find myself rereading the same paragraph about four times before I even slightly understand what they are talking about.
5. Telling yourself you will get up early and study.
You reach the point of saying ok continue to study and retain nothing or go to bed and be refreshed for the test in the morning. As if your morning isn't going to suck enough you at least need to get some beauty sleep.
6. Realizing waking up early to study was a terrible idea.
When your alarm goes off at 6 you instantly regret the decision of going to bed instead of studying. You finally tell yourself you will study but will do so while remaining in bed.
7. Using every possible second until the class to memorize everything that you learned three months ago.
Trying to cram every piece of information into your brain the last few minutes before the test somehow thinking you are going to learn anything new or remember anymore in these last few moments. It somehow comforts us to tell ourselves we are learning.
8. When you enter the class and the teacher says "You may begin."
It's like the final battle entering the classroom. When the teacher says you may begin you hold up the three finger salute and wish the rest of the class the best of luck. You need all the odds to be in your favor though for this one.
9. Walking out knowing you probably answered maybe two questions correctly.
You may have gone in slightly confident seeing as you stayed up last night studying and woke up early to sort of study. Surely you will know a few questions. You walk out through and realize the odds were not in your favor and you will be lucky to have made a 30. Oh yeah and the midterm counts as half of your grade for the class.
10. When your parents call to ask how the test went.
Unfortunately, you made the mistake of telling your parents you were busy studying when they called last night to have a three-hour conversation. Somehow they forget the very important things you need them to remember like NO ketchup your cheeseburger when going through McDonalds. Of course, they always remember to ask how the test went and what you made.