The greatest series in history gets highlighted quite frequently on ABC Family, now known as FreeForm. "Harry Potter Weekend" is one of the greatest things invented, and luckily it comes often. All us Pottheads seem to experience a lot of feels every time a word that is merely associated with the "Harry Potter" franchise is mentioned. That means a whole weekend dedicated to the magical movies gives us a lot of emotions to handle. Here is just a glimpse of these feelings (of course GIFs are used).
We are:
Excited to say the least!
Thankful that it's all weekend.
We feel like we can accomplish anything.
Proud of the everyone involved.
Full of magic because magic is real. Muggle.
Shocked we've made it through even half of the movies without sobbing.
Or have we?
Probably not.
Torn between our love-hate relationship with the characters.
And then you realize how you feel.
We become more attached as the plot thickens (and so do the feels).
Sometimes we win.
Sometimes we lose.
But in the end, the magic lives in all of us.
Until Next time Potter.
We will see you soon "Harry Potter Weekend" -- probably in another month. We'll be waiting with our wands, robes and hearts. We can't wait.