Finals week is when every stressful moment from the semester comes back to haunt you. Unfortunately, it is a natural right of passage throughout our undergraduate and graduate careers, and a necessary evil that we have to pay in exchange for other great, stress-free memories. However, that doesn't mean we can't complain about it. Here are some thoughts most college students have when finals week is looming, as told by some of the funniest characters in our Netflix queue.
1. When you're in a study group and they keep getting distracted.
2. When the professor confirms the final is indeed cumulative.
3. When you abbreviate all of your study guides and your friends question your methods.
4. When you took a history class for an easy A and are completely regretting your decision once you have to write a 10 page essay.
5. When you could have sworn that you had three more days left to study, but you realize the final is tomorrow.
6. When you procrastinate but are still able to learn sixteen chapters in one night somehow.
7. When you're the only one of your friends still at the library.
8. Your only source of comfort is going to the de-stressing events where you can pet the puppies and feel like all is right with the world.
9. When you have been studying for so long that you seem to lose all connection with the society you formerly belonged to.
10. But nothing can compare to the feeling when you walk out of your last final and realize that your parents are picking you up in an hour.