You can't be a college student without hearing about spring break in some way, shape or form during the spring semester. You could hear girls talking in the library, be discussing it with your friends or your professor will probably make a joke about it.
There are some thoughts we all have, especially right at the start of the semester, about spring break.
1. When you realize you need to actually plan your spring break...
2. Thinking about that one week away from school
3. Especially thinking about the first day of break
4. Wondering if your friends will be going with you
5. When your friend tells you to about their expensive trip to somewhere other than Mexico
6. Wondering if any family will contribute to your travel fund
7. Realizing you have less than two months to figure out how to pay for it
8. Trying to explain to friends that they may need to lower their expectations
9. The relief when you actually figure out where you are going
10. Trying to book your hotel and plane ticket... aka be an adult.
11. When someone you aren't super close with asks about your spring break plans
12. Thinking about all the cute outfits you will need
13. Realizing you are going to have an awesome spring break!
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