It is upon us. The days are slowly counting down to that dreadful week. We are all starting to migrate towards the library and slowly claiming it as our new home. There are blankets and coffee everywhere. Everyone is in sweatpants and no one cares how they look. Notecards are spread across tables and at least three students have had breakdowns.
Finals week. The one week where professors love to torture students. Students need to pull all the information that they have learned throughout the semester from five different classes. This is the make it or break for a lot of students. We either need to get 60% on the finals to keep our A or need 250% to get at least a C. All the studying and sleep deprivation has lead students to come up with some pretty crazy thoughts. Here are just some...
1. What if I just dropped out right now?
2. If I study for the next 48 hours straight I can get that 250%.
3. Can I survive on just Red Bull?
4. Can I survive on just bread?
5. Can I survive on just air?
6. What if I murder my professor?
7. What if the school burns down? Don’t we all get to automatically graduate?
8. If someone dies during the final we all get A’s. Someone needs to take one for the team.
9. Can I just nap for the rest of my life?
10. Do I really need this degree?
11. Is it possible to die from stress?
12. Is it possible to die from studying for too long?
13. I forgot what the sun looks like.
14. I need to wear sweatpants more often.
15. The professor definitely didn’t teach us about this in class.
16. I can just drop out right now and never look back.
17. How much is a plane ticket to Cancun?
18. I need more coffee.
19. How are they out of coffee?
20. Why did I go to college?
21. I’m literally dying.
22. Wait, the sun is up? Didn’t I just get here?
23. What day is it?
24. I can do this.
25. I’m smart. I got this far.
26. What do you mean the final is cumulative?
Remember to keep your head up! After you survive this week, it’s basically Christmas! Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do this, not even yourself. You’ll do well. Good luck!