The end of the summer is something that is dreaded for every other young adult other than college students. It's a time that is bittersweet . But let's be honest, it's probably less bitter than it is sweet. For most of us, going back to school has been on our countdown apps since the summer first began.
1. Even though you've been counting down the days to go back to school, it comes a lot faster than you would expect.
If you're like me, you wait until the very last couple of days before you even pack your stuff up to move back to school. Chances are you'll spend these days dressed in ragged old t shirts and your least favorite pair of shorts since you can't be bothered to do more than one load of laundry before you leave.
2. You're not really excited to go back to school.
What do you mean we actually have homework after syllabus day? Going to class is our least favorite part of going back to school.
3. You eat all the free food at home you can get.
Living at home with Mom and Dad has its perks. You never have to cook for yourself and spend your own money at the Taco Bell drive thru. Eat up while it lasts.
4. Moving your stuff from one place to another is a thought that makes you cringe.
Especially in triple digit weather. Uh, no thanks!
5. But at least you'll be back with your squad.
"Reunited and it feels so good." You're already planning out your Instagram captions for the picture of the gang all back together.
6. You'll miss Mom and Dad.
It's been nice having endless family time for the past couple of months and you got used to seeing them every day. They're like the built in best friends that always have your back.
7. You have forgotten how expensive college really is.
It's all fun and games until you see the price of your textbook. $250 for a paperback is a little outrageous. Can't it just be like High School where you don't have to pay for the books that you'll probably never even open?
8. You've also forgotten how poor you are as a college student.
Every time you go shopping for clothes, you decide you don't need to buy that $20 shirt because you can really buy so many chicken nuggets with that money. Priorities.
9. Your days of sleeping in until noon are coming to a stop.
This also means you can't stay up till the a.m getting lost in the weird side of Youtube. One minute you're watching a music video, the next you're on a video about how to make a replica of a water bottle out of clear jell-o. You now have responsibilities in the morning.
10. Moving back to school means you're going to get sick at least once during some point of the semester.
Germs are literally everywhere, and the thought of even having a case of the sniffles is already making you hate it. Being sick in college is ten times worse than being sick at home because you actually have to take care of yourself.
11. But despite all of the negative things that come with college you still can't wait until Move-In Day.
The good outweighs the bad.
12. Because your college years are the best years of your life.
And the memories that come with it are some that you'll cherish forever.