As an avid book lover, I've come to experience quite a few strings of thought when I'm reading a new novel. And since it's happen to me quite a few times, I can't help but imagine that it probably happens to a few other book lovers like myself, too. So, here are 10 thoughts that anyone who loves book will have when they're opening up a new one.
1. “Wow, it smells like happiness with a hint of freshly cut wood.”
It's wonderful. In fact, it's probably the best thing you've smelled since you opened up your last new book. If you could find it in a perfume, you'd probably buy it.
2. “What is that word? I’ve never heard of that word. I’m going to look it up.”
You're going to look it up, and then you're probably going to pronounce it wrong it your head for the rest of the book, or until someone says it out loud in front of you.
3. "A whole new WORLDDDDD.”
A whole new place I never knewwww. That's you, that's how you feel every single time you open a book and put yourself in a whole new work you've never been apart of before, or you couldn't wait to jump back into.
4. “My hand might be tired of holding this book, but I’m sure not.”
Your hand might be falling asleep, but you're sure not doing that either. I mean who could fall asleep when all of that action is going down right in front of your very eyes? You can barely contain yourself as it is.
5. “Wait did that really just happen?”
Hold on, backtrack. Did you just read what you think you just read. Yes, yes you did. Wow. So that happened. Your head is literally a mess for a good portion of this book.
6. “I’m sorry I’ve read this at least five times, but did that REALLY just happen?”
Refer to the statement above to see the state that your head is more than likely in after reading whatever it is that you happened to read. You keep going back and rereading, but for some reason, you just can't seem to make sense of any of it.
7. “I think my heart is racing more than their’s is right now.”
Whenever literally anything is going on in the book that would elicit any sort of emotion whatsoever, your head is a jumbled mess, your hands are sweaty, and your heart is 100% racing more than any of the characters in this book.
8. “Oh no, I’m running out of pages, should I just stop reading?”
The age of issue of reading a book too fast. Once you get towards the end, you can't decide if you should just put it down, or finish it and feel empty inside for the next two weeks.
9. “No, I can’t put it down. It’s too good.”
Okay so obviously you have decided to go the 'empty inside' route, and now you're reading those last few pages faster than you read the rest of the book in its entirety.
10. “It’s over. Now what do I do with my life?”
Refer to the statement above because you're definitely going to be feeling empty inside for the next few weeks. It's fine, you're fine, and in fact, you're too busy looking on the internet to see if this book has a sequel to really be worried about it.
Seriously, though, what does one do when they're finished with a new book? How do you go ON?