I have never met a single person who has had good things to say about the DMV. Everyone knows that it's a huge pain, you have to wait forever to talk to someone, and they often have you running around so much that you question if what you need is actually worth all the hassle. I'm sure everyone can relate to these thoughts about the DMV!
1. I REALLY don't want to go. I have to go, but I REALLY. DON'T. WANT. TO. GO.
2. Why is there no parking? This is worse than the college campus lot during the first week back.
3. Ugh, there's already a line. It opened two minutes ago, and there's already a line.
4. I hope I didn't forget anything. *Checks for important documents*
5. Why are there so many signs when none of them are helpful?
6. At least I'm not alone in my bad mood, even the workers look unhappy to be here.
7. Hold on, I have to wait in line...TO WAIT IN ANOTHER LINE?!
8. I should have brought a book. Or headphones.
9. Who designed this system? It does NOT seem efficient.
10. Should I chance going to the bathroom and missing my number getting called?
11. Does no one understand personal space? Out of all the chairs around, you sit right next to me?!
12. I should have stayed home.
13. I should have brought someone with me to share in this torture. Misery loves company, right?
14. Why is it so cold in here? All of my tax dollars are fueling this air conditioner right now.
15. Please let me get a helpful worker. PLEASE.
16. I'm looking at the clock more than I did in high school math class.
17. I think that's my number. Now to find the counter...
18. Yes, hello, here are my documents, please don't tell me I forgot something and make me start all over again.
19. I made it! Yay for perseverance!
20. I'm SO not looking forward to the next time I have to come here.
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