Everyone says “enjoy college while you can because it will be over before you know it”. I never realized how fast it would really go. I always was thinking “Will finals week ever be over?”
College has been a rollercoaster. From crazy roommate’s freshman year, to everything changing sophomore year, to studying abroad junior year/ friends studying abroad and everything in-between. Nothing will beat the people you met freshman year and the memories you made on your floor. For most people, everything changes sophomore year because everyone ventures out all over campus. Then junior year rolls around and your closest friends study abroad or you study abroad yourself and have an adventure of a lifetime. Then before you know it, you are about to approach your senior year of college…excuse me while I throw up.
Growing up, I was a bratty teenager, as most of us were and was always wanting to grow up so fast. I always thought I knew everything and that my parents knew nothing. Before I knew it, I was 16, got a car and thought I had all the freedom in the world. Except, I had a curfew, still had rules and still lived under my parents roof.
Before I knew it, I was graduating high school and getting ready for college. Some people say “High School is the best four years of your life” and boy are they wrong. Don’t get me wrong, I loved high school. There’s nothing better than seeing your friends every day and actually having a normal schedule every week. You learn many lessons throughout high school, but you learn more valuable lessons in college. I couldn’t wait for this new adventure called “college” to begin.
Finally college rolls around and most of us move away from home, and finally get all the freedom we ever wanted. Coming home at 2am and not having to explain why. Skipping class because you are too tired. Hanging out with your friends, and procrastinating your homework. Napping all day because nobody is there to yell at you to get up and do something with your life. Drinking Monday- Sunday because it’s your roommate’s birthday. Day drinking with your best friends instead of studying for a huge final. Until suddenly you realize this is your last year of college, and suddenly your head is spinning. You wish the time didn’t go by so fast, you no longer want to grow up, and you are not prepared to be an adult.
Now with only a year till college graduation, I’m constantly being asked what I want to do after I graduate? Everyone is always asking this question. What do I want to do? I don’t know. How am I supposed to know this? I’m just trying to make it through senior year. You mean I have to graduate college, leave my friends, leave the partying, get a real job and pay for bills? You mean I have to be an adult?
I can tell you one thing, though, I wish I could go back. Just like most seniors in college, I’m not ready to graduate and “adult”. One day, we will figure out how to put our lives together but until then, good luck figuring out this world of "adulting". For now, enjoy your last year because as sad as it is you will never be at the same place at the same time with the same people ever again. Do all the things you want to, fulfill everything on your college bucket list, take as much as you can from classes/ conversations with peers and stay up all night drinking wine with your best friends.