I pulled an all nighter and these are some of my thoughts throughout the day. Enjoy.
Between 9AM-Noon
Why is this happening?
If I just inject coffee into my veins, would I die?
*googles it*
Nope not doing that
How much is too much coffee?
My head feels like a balloon with sand in it.
I wonder if my professor sees my eyes crossing.
I literally can't see right now. What is wrong with me?
Can't feel my face either.
*trips over nothing*
Midday I found out I couldn't even take a nap.
*drinks more coffee*
Why is this so addicting?
I'm feeling so good right now
Oh no I'm not. Nope.
Around 5-ish
This sun is blinding.
*back hurts*
I could use a back massage.
*Googles price of deep tissue massage*
Yeah this isn't happening any time soon.
Don't go in room. Don't go in room. Don't go in room.
Ugh but my bed.
No, finish your lab assignment.
My brain can't even do this right now.
Around 9PM
*finally finishes homework*
Basically, all I have to say is: don't do this unless you have to. Honestly had six shots of espresso total today. Thank you to the bold and the brave who created such a magical drink. Now, with that said, I am still exhausted and I'm going to sleep.