Whether it's over the phone, from Skype, or in person, job interviews always prove to be a little bit nerve-racking.
No matter what kind of job it is that you are applying to, you definitely feel this type of way before you get a call or an email back.
1. "Geez. How did I do?"
Everyone's initial thought right after an interview. You might already have a good idea of how you think that you did. If you think you might not have done your best, picking on everything that you could have done better on will probably be what you do on the silent drive back to your place. Or if you think you nailed it, you might be totally geeking as you walk out of your interview.
2. "What did they think of me?"
Did I sound smart? Did I seem nervous? Did I make a good impression? Thinking about how the interviewer perceived you during the interview can be a weird thing to think about, but it is a good way to possibly help yourself in other interviews.
3. “Okay if they didn’t like me, there’s always other jobs.”
It is their loss if they don't hire me. It's okay. I'm okay. Not necessarily the end of the world.
4. “Why did I even apply for this job?”
Do I even want to work here?? I mean, am I THAT desperate? Is getting paid...worth it?
5. “My resume stands out, I think.”
After rereading my very ~ impressive ~ resume, I realize that I must be the most hireable person that applied to this position. I mean, come on.
6. “Is this what all job interviews are like?”
So this is what it's like to apply for a real job.
7. “I didn’t even answer the question right..”
Looking back at the interview questions, I don't think that my answer even made sense. Wait, actually I think it did...
8. “What if I hate this job?”
What if this job isn't even what it says it is? I'm just going to hope that I am not going to regret this.
9. “I think I got this one.”
Why wouldn't they give me this job? I would call myself over qualified, in fact.They would be crazy to not hire me.
10. “Why haven’t they called me back?”
You know, they haven’t called me back but, I am going to take that as a compliment because they are trying to find someone better than me. And they can’t.
11. Okay, it's not the end of the world, if I don't get this."
I didn't want a job anyways!