No matter if you're a first year or second year, we're all in the same boat. Maybe the second years are a bit more secure in their place at the university you're at, but you're all going to cry by the end of this- let's hope it's from happiness.
1. "Is this just going to be a popularity contest? I know my pi chi told me it’s not. But that’s definitely something a popular person would say. How is there even popularity when there’s thousands of students? America please explain."
2. "Let me just pack three outfit ideas for everyday. House tours day? I will definitely be cold but I may as well pack ten dresses just in case."
3. "What if I’m dropped by all the sororities I like? Am I going to to be that girl that drops out of rush because I'm picky about the sorority I am in?"
4. "Why on earth is it fair that guys’ rush is just partying for two weeks? Yeah, I’ll admit it their pledging sucks and that’s definitely a lot longer, but our rush is horrible."
5. "I hope I love my new sisters and that they love me."
I've heard horror stories about rushing (especially in the second semester cold), but I know it's so worth it to find your place. Or, if you find out that rush isn't for you, at least you will have figured it out. You're going to need to lean on your friends and be there for them during this process. In the end, everything will work out and you will find your sisters without compromising who you are.