Like most college students, going back to school is full of mixed emotions; you have to say goodbye to your friends from home but you can't wait to be reunited with friends from school. You've had the privilege of having your own bathroom all summer but now you have to get in the mindset of sharing one again. Least favorite of all, homework. Summer has been stress-free other than the occasional fights with siblings and being told to walk the dog but now with school quickly approaching -- the exams and heavy workload are in the near future. As we begin packing, saying goodbye, and reminisce on the summer; our emotions about leaving turn into a love/hate relationship between leaving home and going back to school.
Home is great but you begin to realize your parents rules still apply when you are back for the summer.
Seeing ads on TV about going back to school make you anxious but mostly excited (and not because of the catchy background music in the commercial) but because it means new clothes, furniture, and plenty more.
The excitement of going back is at it's high a week or two before you leave but declines slightly as you picture life again without moms cooking, laundry being done for you, and full access to a car.
You being to think about how you managed last year without seeing your besties from home everyday and start to get a little sad.
The sadness lessens once you begin talking to your future roomies about what everyones bringing and you are once again, back on the high.
As you continue packing all of your things you get excited thinking about decorating a new place to call "home."
But then you become overwhelmed by all the different ways you can rearrange the room.
While packing up your clothes you start jamming to some music but then a slow song comes on and gives you all the feels about leaving home.
And then "Rather Be" starts playing and it brings back all the #memories from freshman year.
You begin packing the car and you are running on pure adrenaline because you're excited to go back but also have no idea how all your stuff is going to fit.
As you're saying your final goodbyes to your hometown hunnies and family you realize you will see them in a few short months and find you are more sad about saying goodbye to your dog than anything.
Pulling up to school you feel the need for a ceremony because it's the greatest reunion all summer.
And, at last, you're back.