It’s that time of year again! The time to trade in summer vacation (or a full-time job) for syllabus week, no money, no sleep, some semblance of a social life, endless assignments and reading, and everything else that comes with a new semester. College is definitely the best time of our lives, but we sure love to complain about it.
On your first move-in day when your parents wouldn’t stop hugging you and saying how much they’ll miss you and you tell them to stop nagging you so they’ll leave, but as soon as they walk out the door you lose it because you’ll miss them more than you’d ever admit.
During syllabus week when you have that one professor who insists on reading the whole syllabus out loud to the class
When your high school boyfriend can’t handle the distance going to different schools, so he just dumps you
That one kid who gets an A on everything, but never comes to class
When you oversleep and don’t have time to get ready
You thought you would love your field and what you choose to do, but the road to get there isn’t what you thought it’d be
When your professor announces a pop quiz on the reading assignment you didn’t do
After every breakdown you have about twice a week
That one time you stayed up all night studying for a test and the professor cancelled class
Trying to steal food from someone because you’re out of meal swipes for the semester and you’re broke
Hanging out with your friends and realizing how lucky you are to have them
When there are just too many hot guys on campus to distract you
When you’re up late having a venting session and your roommate mentions your exam in the morning
When your parents ask why you haven’t called all week when you’re taking 15 credits and working 35 hours a week
Going home for the weekend and saying goodbye to your college fam
When people make fun of your major
When you look at your GPA after finals week and your parents ask what happened
Finals week in a nutshell
And then there’s your everyday mood