For the past couple weeks, I have been researching internship opportunities in my area. This included updating my resume, my LinkedIn profile, crafting individual cover letters, and emailing and applying to places of interest like crazy. I thought this was going to be easy and I could knock it out in a week or so, but that has not been the case. When you're looking for a job or internship, it is basically a full-time job in itself. You just need to keep applying and hopefully, you'll find the internship of your dreams.
So, here are just a few thoughts I've had during this process.
1. "I really need to fix my resume."
2. "Maybe I should just start from scratch."
3. "No, that would just be a waste of time."
4. "How do I write a cover letter?"
5. "Do employers even look at LinkedIn?"
6. "I thought that was just for people interested in business."
7. "I need to take a business professional photo."
8. "Oh, man, I really haven't done much during my college career."
9. "My resume's already a page-long."
10. "I can't really include much more."
11. "I need to write a cover letter for each job I'm applying to?!"
12. "I really should have started this sooner."
13. Is this considered bragging or promoting myself?"
14. "This is a lot of pressure."
15. "If I don't get an internship this summer, I might not graduate."
16. "I'll be fine."
17. "If I apply to enough places, there are better odds of getting one."
18. "I'm glad I have the time to do this now."
19. "I don't think I could do this on top of classes."
20. "But I might have to make the time."
21. "Why is it so stressful clicking submit?"
22. "Three applications done, only a hundred more to go."
23. "I feel like I'm making a lot of progress and none at the same time."
24. "I'm proud of myself for getting this done."
25. "WAIT, did I attach my resume on that email??????"