Have you ever received a gift so perfect and fit for your personality, that it made you feel truly special? Like you were the only person in the world to get that incredible, thoughtful gift? Gifts like those come from the heart. It doesn't have to be the biggest, most elaborate present to make an impact either. Giving meaningful gifts to your friends, family or coworkers can bring them more happiness than you might think.
As Christmas nears, it can be so easy for us to get overwhelmed with our to-do lists and grab the convenient gifts. Sure, socks and memo pads are great, but they're forgotten gifts. You get them, and then you forget them.
When you take the time to pick out a special gift for each of your friends and family, it's so much more rewarding. Just being able to watch their faces light up with surprise and happiness makes the art of giving such a warm, joyful experience.
So my challenge to you is this: as you're out shopping for your loved ones this holiday season, ask yourself some questions about that person. What is something their personality would go over the moon for? The thoughtfulness can also be found in the details. Personalize their gift with their initials on it. Or write a handwritten note with it, describing how the gift stood out to you. And always remember, heartfelt, meaningful gifts never go out of style.