A lot of girls start these articles by mentioning how they "never thought they'd ever join a sorority," or how they "just weren't your stereotypical sorority girl." Well, not me. I was the girl who counted the seconds down and signed up at midnight the night Recruitment Sign Ups went live. I went through every sororities social media all summer long, because I knew that all I wanted to be was a sorority girl. I love girl time, wine, guys in fraternities, cute Insta pics, having a reason to dress up, drama (sorry, but come on... we all do) and was so excited to put my letters in my Twitter bio. I thought I was ready to be a sorority girl.
When I joined the sorority I am in now though, it was nothing like I thought it would be. Not even close.
I had no idea I'd meet our President, who single-handedly keeps 200 girls staying best friends and is the most genuine and loving soul.
I didn't know I'd meet my future roommate, a girl who introduced herself by saying, "Hey, wanna live with me next year?" because she knew I had no where to live.
I didn't think I would be a part of a pledge class full of beautiful, sweet girls, who are all a hot mess and make having a good time easy.
I have no idea where I would be without the friend who I love to embarrass by sending in her ugly selfies to try and get put on the sorority Tumblr.
The friends who never let you show up to something alone. (Because TBH we all hate that...)
The girl who will always dress up super tacky for themed parties with you.
The group of girls who always hang out with your favorite fraternity with you.
The friend who sits with you and lets you tell her your secret struggles.
The girl who isn't afraid to be first getting seconds at catered chapters.
A group of girls who love giving back just as much as going out.
The girl who prays over you when she knows you're going through a tough time.
The older girls you look up to and think, "Wow, she is such a great person, I wanna be just like her."
The older girls you look up to and think, "Wow, she has a lot of fun, I wanna be just like her."
The ones who will drink wine with you and talk about life.
And the 200 girls who you're so proud to share letters with.
All these girls I had no idea were a part of a sorority. I thought I knew what I was getting myself in to, but I had no real clue how much I would come to love all these girls so much. I thought about how great the pictures I saw were, but had no idea how great the girls in them were. I didn't know what it was like to be a "sister" or to go through hard times together, celebrate good times with them, and come together to be a part of something bigger than myself.
If you're thinking about joining a sorority, go for it. You'll love it and may be surprised at how awesome it is.
But for those of you who are just "so sure" about being a sorority girl... get prepared because being a sister to 200 girls is so much more than being just a "sorority girl."