11. "This summer went way too fast, it's ridiculous." | The Odyssey Online
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20 Thoughts That Run Through A College Student's Mind Now That It's August

Holy cow, it can't be.


'Tis the season of the college students. This is the month when we scurry around like chickens with our heads cut off, and we work our asses off until the Bursar takes all of our money. August can be a scary and stressful month, but it's also exciting. There are new beginnings that await ahead for every scholar.

Here are just a handful of thoughts all college students have going through their frantic brains during the month of August.

1. "Summer is basically almost over, so I have to get my life together."

Yes, it really has come and gone so quickly. Our lives are still in summer mode. We have to get back into the groove.

2. "Wait, it's August already?"

*Skips June and July.*

3. "Let's make as much money as possible before college steals it away again."

We have to work our butts off. August is the month where you actually care about work because college is approaching fast.

4. "I'm already stressed."

Classes haven't started yet, dude. Bills are piling up and they don't even exist yet. The pain is unbearable.

5. "School didn't start yet and I'm already in the weeds."

Literally me in the pool while I'm trying to enjoy myself, but I keep thinking about college.

6. "Got to go shopping soon."

Food, clothes, textbooks galore. Load up the cart. Time to be an adult.

7. "Did I pay my bill?"

Perhaps I should take care of that first before I do ANYTHING else.

8. "But I don't want to have an 8 A.M. again."

I don't think I can do it. I'm too old.

9. "I'm dreading renting/buying those textbooks."

At least $500 down the drain. *Crying inside.* Unless you find good deals.

10. "Back to reality."

Moaning and groaning is appropriate. I don't want to start school all over again. I just got used to being home and working.

11. "This summer went way too fast, it's ridiculous."

Seriously, time needs to slow it down. I am in utter disbelief.

12. "Seriously, I blinked and it was June, and then we skipped July."

Again, what a shocker.

13. "To be honest, I'm kind of excited to go back."

I like the independence and freedom I get up at college. It's fun!

14. "I'm ready to take on the year!"

Get hype! This is your next year! This is the year to make it happen, y'all. This is one step closer to your future in the real world.

15. "No, I'm not."

I am Homer Simpson. No responsibilities, please. No adulting. No nothing.

16. "I don't want to leave my home and work friends."

This is the worst. How are you going to live through each day without seeing them?

17. "But I've also missed my school friends, so I can't wait to see them!"

*When you see your school friends for the first time since May.*

18. "Don't miss the school food, nope!"

Gross. I'm sure we all hate the stomachaches the school food gives us. Never ever take home-cooked meals for granted.

19. "I'm actually really excited."

Literally all that's on the mind because I mentioned it more than once. It can't get any better.

20. "Is it graduation yet?"

Are we done yet? Now that it's August, graduation seems so sweet right now. Let's get a move-on with the good and the bad, and let's kick ass this year.

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