The hardest part about anxiety are the constant thoughts that flood your mind daily. No matter what you do, you can't stop them. You're stuck sorting out everything at once.
- Please let today be different.
- I should try my best to look good today.
- What's the point? No one will notice me anyway.
- Please don't notice me.
- Breathe.
- I hope I don't have a panic attack at work.
- Do I look okay?
- Why are they staring?
- Oh, god, they are laughing. It must be about me.
- Do I look as stressed as I feel?
- Eat. You need to eat.
- You're a burden.
- Am I doing my work okay?
- Breathe.
- What is wrong with me?
- I hope I'm not an inconvenience.
- People are just going to judge me.
- I'm so stupid.
- What if I mess up?
- What have I already messed up?
- I hope I don't embarrass myself today.
- Everything will be okay.
- I hope I'm not annoying them.
- Oh my god, they hate me.
- Breathe.