7 Questions I Think About Before Bed Every Night | The Odyssey Online
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7 Questions I Think About Before Bed Every Night

Why sleep when you can question life?


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Every night, I lay down for bed completely exhausted but once my head hits the pillow, all these insane questions come to mind. Life is full of what ifs and whys that'll never be answered but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be questioned. If anything, we should question life more and then maybe, we might find the answers we're looking for.

1. Why is sleep necessary?

There are 24-hours in a day and part of that is meant to be dedicated to sleep but with classes, work, and trying to have a social life, sometimes there just isn't enough time in a day. I'm constantly wondering where time goes because there never seems to be enough of it. It's 6 a.m. one moment and 10 p.m. the next. Like what? I constantly have more work to do than a day can possibly hold. Thus, sleep deprivation occurs and stress follows. So, ultimately wouldn't it be better if we didn't have to sleep or even if we could sufficiently function with less sleep?

2. Why can't information be inputted into our brains?

How do four different professors expect us to retain information from four different 700-page textbooks, as well as, remember information they spew at us in lectures? It's not easy or practical. I don't even remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday… It would be a fantastic invention to be able to implant relevant information rather than having to learn it all. Or even if we "learned" it first and then had the missing pieces inputted to ensure its full preservation.

3. Why hasn't teleportation been created yet? 

Guys, it's 2019, where's our awesome advanced technology that the movies said we would have? Transportation sucks and so does the time it takes to get from point A to point B on a daily basis. All I ever see is brake lights when all I want to see is the open road. It would be so much easier to have home teleportation devices that we could whip out at any time. They might be expensive but they'd be useful to get to work and class, to go see friends in other states, and even to go to other countries. No more traffic and no more crazy high gas prices.

4. What if money grew on trees?

This was always a joke when I was younger but wouldn't it be nice if it was actually true? Just like a fruit tree, there could be money trees! You plant a fifty-dollar bill in the ground and out sprouts a whole tree full of bills. Wouldn't that be amazing? No one would have to worry about running out of money because they would have a fresh supply in their backyard. If anything, it's an interesting thought.

5. What if we knew how and when we died? 

If someone walked up to you and handed you a book containing your entire life story, would you read it until the end? Would you want to know how your life ended or would you be afraid of the knowledge? Would it make any difference if we knew this information or would it just cause fear? I would want to know but only if it was possible to change the outcome. If not, I'd rather be left in the dark; no need to stress about something I can't control.

6. Are monsters real?

Yes. They may not look like the monsters depicted in movies but they're definitely real. We don't realize it until it's too late but some of the people standing right in front of us are in fact just like those monsters. They want to destroy everything around them and they don't care who gets caught in the crossfires. Every once and a while, they succeed. Sometimes they can even surface in ourselves and we become the monsters we've always feared.

7. What if animals could talk?

Dr. Doolittle will always be the greatest depiction of this concept. The world would be a weird place if we could fully understand our beloved best friends but I also think it would be a fascinating place. We could actually know what our pets feel and how we can make their lives better. Maybe they could help us fix the problems in the world or maybe they'd want to take over, who knows?

Of course, this isn't an exhausted list but just a few of the questions I have for the world.

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