Have you ever thought about life in a different way? Or why some questions make you think a little longer than others? In this piece today, I bring to light some thought provoking questions that make you think a little longer than just everyday questions. You will look at different perspectives as well as intriguing ideas that make you ponder for quite a while.
1. What would a Utopian society look like in your mind? What would a Dystopian society look like in your mind?
There are way too many ideas I could come up with. I think my Utopian society would have to include flying cars.
2. What would you do differently if knew no one would judge you?
This one makes me think quite a bit. You could do anything whenever and wherever and never get judged. That could be amazing!
3. What matters to you most in life?
Obviously family is one.
4. Do you think you already met the person you're going to marry?
I really hope I have.
5. If college degrees didn't matter for future careers, would college be worth going to?
I probably would still go off to college, but I guarantee that I wouldn't be stressed anymore about my grades.
6. What are the simple things in life you are grateful for?
Honestly, I just think a nice nap is heavenly.
7. If you do believe in Heaven, what do you think eternity will be like?
Yeah, I can't even wrap my mind around the idea of eternity.
8. What are you scared of?
Heights are really freaky. The view may be beautiful, but if I look down I may just pass out
9. Will it ever be possible to time travel, and if so how would time travel work?
I don't know about this one, but it's cool to think about. I'd like to visit the roaring 20's then check back into present time when hits the 30's. That sounds pretty good to me.
10. What is the single greatest memory you have seized in your life so far?
I've had one memory that has been my favorite for as long as I can remember. Mine was as simple as watching a basketball game with my dad.