Yoga is probably the hottest workout fad there is currently. With the amount of yoga pants skyrocketing and stores like Victoria Secret and Lululemon having an extensive line of clothing dedicated not only working out, but specifically this buddhist practice. If you haven’t tried yoga yet, i’m sure friends have asked you to join them a million times. But yoga is not for everyone. People, like me who have spent their life doing lots of intense cardio can’t always see the beauty in this so-called ‘majestical anxiety relieving-muscle building workout”. This is what we think while doing yoga.
I’m here this is going to be so awesome, everyone loves yoga so I will too!
This is obvious, we want to love what society and our friends love. Watching our characters on our favorite TV shows enjoy yoga regularly and hearing our friends talk about it constantly makes us think that we’re obviously going to love it!
Look how cute my new yoga mat is, I’m really glad I got the monogram one.
All my new yoga friends are gonna be asking me where I got it.
Shoot, I should have painted my toes.
Why does every girl in this room have perfectly pedicured feet? It’s like they’ve never broken in any type of running shoe in their life.
Oh my gosh, the yoga instructor seems so cool and nice.
Ah her tattoo, that’s so cool I bet it has something to do with yoga.
Yay we're about to start!
Should I be happy?
Downward facing dog? OK, got it!
My dog never makes this position?
How long are we going to stay in this position?
I'm too awkward for this, what if i fart?
You want me to move my leg there?
Is this the circus?
Ah this is way harder than it looks.
I’m sorry instructor I can’t point my toes that way please stop trying to correct me.
I wonder if the girl in front of me does this all of the time, she seems to know what she’s doing.
Show off.
Why are we moving so slow?
Am I even gonna stretch?
Can't feel anything.
I don’t understand why people like this so much.
Blocks? I did not know blocks were necessary for yoga.
My foot doesn’t turn that way.
*Falls out of position* Do you think if i just lay here anyone will even notice? Maybe I can just pretend i fell asleep.
This music really does make me want to sleep; can we get some Kanye playing in here?
Why didn’t I go on a run, this is so boring.
Yup, I got it; move from this awkward position to this awkward position.
*Looks at clock* it’s only been fifteen minutes? Seriously?
I hate this.
Never doing yoga again, don’t get the hype.
Oh what’s this we get to lay on the mat and close are eyes?