There are people who find peace and contentment in the stagnancy of their everyday lives, and there are people who don’t need adventure or newness to be happy. Is there anything wrong with that? Absolutely not. Kudos to those people. To each his own.
Conversely, there are people who crave more. Those who are restless without a new topic to obsess over, or a new place to fall in love with. If you are anything like me, you’ll know what I mean.
I’ve been there. I still am. Your mind is bustling with ideas of where to go next, your ears are itching for new music to discover. You stay up late on the internet trying to find ways to become a more cultured individual and you lie awake at night pondering every “what if” that you can conceive. You seek adventure in even the smallest places, like the place you grew up.
Coming from a small town, I was reared in a way that didn’t necessarily discourage individuality, but also did not condone it. You could have opposing views, but were never encouraged to voice them. The second you wore anything that was not approved by your friends, said outfit would never see the light of day again without staunch criticism. Your interest in a topic that was considered taboo (even though chances are it was not) was brushed off of everyone’s shoulders. We were made to fit the mold of our parents and our peers. Most of the people who took part in these behaviors truly did mean well, but were not open-minded enough to embrace diversity. Craving bigger and better things began with not having opportunities to truly explore myself and my wants in my hometown, so, in a way, I’m thankful for my upbringing. I’m sure some of you understand exactly where I’m coming from.
It’s okay to not be content where you are. It’s okay to acknowledge that you aren’t reaching your full potential. It’s both a blessing and a curse to be so aware of the millions of possibilities around you. I’m right there with you.
There will be people who don’t understand your distress. “But you’re doing so well! What else could you ask for?”
There are many things, really. But even if I am doing well, I don’t have to have a reason to want more. Opportunities are everywhere, and how will I ever take advantage of them if I remain where I am? I could even be happy with what I’m doing or where I am, but know that I could be happier. It is nobody’s place but mine to dictate my life choices.
It is nobody’s place but yours to dictate your life choices.
Part of wanting more is also being subject to change. I may be a totally different person today than I was three months ago, but so what? I’m a young adult, I’m trying to figure out who I truly am. And if that means becoming a totally different person after I took a trip, or having a new outlook on life after reading a book, or taking a risk and redefining my entire look, then so be it. Change is inevitable and should be welcomed.
I encourage those who are like me to pursue whatever your heart yearns for. Whether that be a spontaneous trip to somewhere you’ve never been, or changing your major to something you’re truly passionate about. Whether it be befriending new people or partaking in an activity you’ve never considered before, I hope you do it. Disregard the rebuttal and potential negativity from those who don’t quite understand the way that your mind works, and embark on those journeys that help define who you are.
There is absolutely never anything wrong with wanting more.